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【新唐人2013年04月22日讯】中共新国家主席习近平和新总理李克强刚刚上台1个月,H7N9禽流感疫情和四川雅安强震就接踵而来,不禁让人联想到2003年〝胡温体制〞刚成形时,爆发的〝严重急性呼吸道症候群——萨斯 (SARS)〞疫情,当时由于中共隐瞒疫情,导致〝萨斯〞病毒在全世界扩散。这次〝习李体制〞将如何应对?成为摆在他们面前的一个重大考验。
时事评论员蓝述:〝中共党的利益高于一切,党的利益凌驾于人民利益之上,党凌驾于宪法之上。 所以在处理任何重大事情的时候,当这两个东西(党和人民的利益)发生矛盾的时候,党的利益永远摆在人民利益之上,党的利益它也凌驾于法律之上。〞
近年来,大陆 各种灾难、疫情频发,尤其在中共新、旧政权交替之时表现尤为严重,例如:10年前胡、温刚接手中共政权,大陆便爆发〝萨斯〞疫情;而5年前期中换届没多久,又发生〝汶川大地震〞。
在此之前,早有网友预言 :习、李上台也会遭遇类似灾情,这是上天对习、李体制的重大考验。
中国 古代先贤老子说:〝民为重,君为轻,社稷次之。历代圣明的君王也都把民生疾苦、民心、民意视为国家长治久安的关键。〞
大陆人士陈先生:〝民意就是天意,民心不可欺,这几十年(中共)一直都在欺骗民意,如果没有一个根本的改变,现在宣传所谓正面能量,倡导什么中国梦,那做梦去吧!人的真话 都不敢说,真相都不敢露,还做什么?〞
陈汉/采访 编辑/许旻 后制/李智远
Both H7N9 and Ya’an Earthquake Challenge Xi and Li Leadership
With both President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang just
having been in office for a month,
the H7N9 bird flu and Ya’an earthquake have struck China
one after another.
One can’t help but ponder the outbreak of SARS when
Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao took the office in 2003.
The cover up of the SARS epidemic by the Communist regime
led to the worldwide spread of the disease.
How did Xi and Li react to the tests?
The following is our report.
With the earthquake in Ya’an, Sichuan, the Chinese Communists
including Xi and Li and relevant departments,
have reacted by following the same pattern
as their predecessors.
First, President Xi Jinping ordered rescue at all cost and
Premier Li Keqiang conducted efforts on the scene.
This was followed by the state media’s report praising
the People’s Liberation Army’s all out relief effort.
Political commentator Lan Shu doesn’t believe there is any
change in the Communist regime with Xi and Li’s leadership.
All matters will continue to be dealt with
in the same manner.
Political commentator Lan Shu: “The interests of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) lie above all, including the people and the constitution.
When both party and people are in conflict, the benefit of
the party rests above the people.
The party is also above the law.”
Natural disasters and epidemics have been quite
frequent in China these years.
The matters seem to be getting worse during
the transition of power.
Many years ago when Hu and Wen had just taken office,
there was SARS.
During the 2nd five-year term in 2008,
the Wenchuan earthquake took place.
Netizens had predicted earlier: There will be similar disaster
during Xi and Li’s term.
It will be a major test from Gods for Xi and Li’s leadership.
Mr. Chen from China: “It is gods’ test of their political
wisdom and their morale.
I believe there will be lying, covering up and false reports,
just like it used to be. “
Back in the SARS epidemic in 2003, the Communist regime
deliberately concealed the facts.
The virus was then spread to Taiwan, Hong Kong and
around the world.
The international community condemned the
regime’s covering up.
Mainlanders also strongly opposed the regime’s
policy in the matter.
It is generally believed the H7N9 bird flu epidemic in China
is once again being concealed.
Laozi, the ancient Chinese philosopher, said,
“People are above the lord, followed by the state.”
Throughout the history of China, wise emperors have valued
the suffering, the mind, and the opinion of people as key to maintaining a stable nation.
Mr. Chen from China: “People’s will matters the most.
People can’t be bullied.
The regime has been deceiving people
for all these years.
Without a fundamental change,
the China dream will remain a dream.
People dare not speak the truth.
What else can people do?”
It is commented that the so-called iron country is only a
dream of those who indulge in their power.
For thousands of years, the rise and fall of many
Chinese dynasties have taken place like tides.
And power has flowed out and away carried
by the ebbing tides.
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本文标签:H7N9, H7N9禽流感, SARS, 中共, 中共政权, 习李, 习李体制, 习近平, 党, 台湾, 地震, 宪法, 总理, 政权, 政治, 新唐人, 李克强, 法律, 真相, 禽流感, 胡温, 香港