
【禁闻】高层斗争升级 华润丑闻恐牵大案

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【新唐人2013年07月20日讯】日前,中国 〝华润集团〞董事长,被新华社《经济参考报》首席记者王文志实名举报 ,涉嫌巨额贪腐一事,一时成为海内外关注焦点。宋林成为继前能源局局长刘铁男之后,又一名副部级高官被人举报。目前已经接手案件。因此,宋林的后台背景,以及〝华润〞丑闻对中共政局的影响,尤为引人关注。

7月17号,王文志在微博实名举报 宋林等〝华润〞高层 渎职,指他们以高价收购山西〝金业煤矿〞存在严重违规操作,令数十亿国有资产流失等问题

中共喉舌《》和门户网站 迅速跟进报导,但很快,相关报导相继被撤。微博平台的相关讨论也瞬间退烧。




《中国事务》总编辑伍凡 认为,〝华润〞宋林案,说明共产高层内部的斗争升级。

美国中文 杂志《中国事务》总编辑 伍凡:〝150你把一个高官扯出来,后头一定会有他的后台。这后台就牵涉到过世的也好、现在还在的、退休的也好,说明现在斗争,从政治斗争延伸到经济斗争去。斗争的结果如何,现在很难预料了。〞

独立评论员韩武观察表示,中共高层 8月马上就要举行〝北戴河会议〞,中共权力将进行重新分配。到时推出来的政策,才是现任领导人习近平对他未来 5年执政的定位。因此,现在的〝华润案〞,恐怕是高层对一些派系的〝敲山震虎〞。

独立评论员 韩武:〝我觉得可能会表面应付一下,但不会查到底的。120 真要查下去的话会把根都露出来了。他们互相之间都会有一定的限度的,都掌握了各自的牌底,谁也不敢把这个牌完全打出来。〞




时政 评论员蓝述:〝我觉得这个主要是,因为目前在中共的高层,怎么样去处理薄熙来这个问题上,还存在着分歧。各个方面还在角逐。这个时候把宋林给抛出来,实际上是对的一个打击,同时也是警告宋林背后,像江泽民、曾庆红这一些,江系的这些大佬,让他们在怎么样处理薄熙来这个问题上做一些让步。〞



采访/易如 编辑/王子琦 后制/陈建铭

CRH Scandal Goes on: CCP Top-Level Infighting Grows

A real-name whistle-blowing action against Song Lin, the

president of China Resources (Holdings) Company (CRH)

has gained media spotlight in China and abroad.

Song was accused of committing massive corruption.

He was the second vice-ministerial level official of

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), after Liu Tienan,

who has been denounced.

The Central Discipline Inspection Commission (CDIC)

has taken over the case.

Who are the string-pullers behind Song Lin?

What political impact can the scandal cause?

Both questions have now drawn media focus.

On 17th July, in his real name weibo (micro-blog),

a Beijing journalist Wang Wenzhi, informed on the

corruption offence by Song Lin and other CRH managers.

Song was accused of malfeasance in the acquisition of

a coal mine in Shanxi, leading to losses of billions

in state-owned assets.

The news was swiftly reported on by Xinhua News Agency

and by major web portals in China.

Yet, the reports were all removed later.

That night, the CRH alleged that the whistle-blowing

action was malicious slander.

The CRH claim was emphasized in bold at ifeng.com.

It also made headlines for two days at 163.com,

a popular web portal run by NetEase.

Strangely, Wang’s whistle-blowing on weibo, reappeared.

Wang told China’s media that his weibo message

wasn’t removed by himself.

And that he had received an anonymous threat

over the telephone.

On 18th July, the CCP official media reported that

the CDIC had received materials against

the CRH management on corruption.

The case has been handled under normal procedure.

The media asks the public to “be patient.”

Wu Fan, chief editor of China Affairs Magazine, comments.

The CRH scandal shows the CCP top-level infighting

has been growing, he says.

Wu Fan: There must be a backstage backer behind

such a scandal.

The backers may implicate any deceased, alive or

retired CCP officials.

This tells us that the CCP infighting has expanded

from the political arena to the economic.

Right now, it’s hard to anticipate the result.

According to critic Han Wu, the CCP will soon hold its

annual “Beidaihe meeting” in August.

At the top-leader secret meeting, political power

will be reassigned.

Only then, can the finalized policy represent

Xi Jinping’s ruling stance in the next five years.

Thus, the CRH scandal may only be a CCP top-level

warning against some specific factions, says Han.

Han Wu: I think that the CCP might do something

outwardly to get by.

It won’t conduct a real probe into the case,

for that will pull out the roots.

They know each others top secret, but

none of them dare to expose it completely.

Commentator Lan Shu says, the timing of

the scandal exposure was very sensitive.

This is because the Bo Xilai-case will be tried

within two months.

Who stands behind Song Lin? ——

A question for thought.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reports that Song Lin’s

smooth promotion inside the CRH,

was related to the son-in-law of Chen Yun,

deceased former CCP veteran.

Chen Yun’s son, president of China Development Bank, highly

praised ex-CCP leader Jiang Zemin in his article in April.

The Epoch Times reports that Song Lin was

henchman of Zeng Qinghong, core figure of Jiang’s faction.

Zeng was also known as an ally of Bo Xilai.

The Epoch Times article cites an unnamed official from

a mainland-funded enterprise based in Hong Kong.

It said, the whistle-blowing action against the CRH president

signals the downfall of the faction backing Song Lin.

Lan Shu: I think the major cause of this is that

the CCP leadership is still at odds over

handling the Bo Xilai case.

Their infighting is still going on.

The exposure of Song Lin was a blow striking

against Jiang’s faction.

It has also been used to warn the figures behind Song Lin,

which include Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong.

This may help force them to make some concessions

in the pending trial of Bo Xilai.

The Epoch Times report reveals that Song Lin, at the behest of

Zeng Qinghong, has long backed Leung Chun-ying, a

Hong Kong Chief Executive.

Leung has for a long time overtly supported Jiang’s faction.

The CRH, registered in Hong Kong, has actually

helped the Liaison Office in Hong Kong to control the region.

For the past years, the CRH has been operating

under the umbrella of Zeng Qinghong.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency states that

on 17th July, Wang Wenzhi said that he will soon

expose more evidence in hand.

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