

李东生被调查!中纪委给他的第一个头衔,不是,而是〝防范和处理邪教 问题 领导小组副组长〞。这个〝第一头衔〞意味深长。这个所谓的〝反邪教小组〞正是臭名远扬的〝610办公室〞,是前党魁江泽民建立,用于镇压迫害法轮功 的法外机构。中纪委强调李东生这个头衔,代表什么样的信号?请看本台记者秦雪的采访报导。


而中纪委监察部的网站 却是这样公布:〝中央防范和处理邪教问题领导小组副组长、办公室主任,公安部党委副书记、副部长李东生涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受组织调查。〞



俞梅荪分析,如果当局有意强调李东生的这个〝第一头衔〞,有可能是为今后清算〝迫害法轮功 〞问题做准备。

俞梅荪:〝清算(迫害)法轮功的问题可能性很大,因为(镇压)法轮功搞了那么长时间了。十几年都快二十年了,再搞下去党和政府是受不了的。藉这个机会,慢慢 慢慢清算,是有可能的。因为清算对党和政府是有利的。对新的党中央,对,对新一届领导班子是有利的,对整个国家机器是有利的,甩掉这么一个罪恶的包袱,跟过去的罪恶切割,那是有益的。〞


北京人权律师 浦志强:〝并不标志着中共对法轮功的政策和反邪教的政策有变化。就算把周永康和李东生还有王乐泉三个人一块拿下,我估计也不能表明他们改变了对法轮功的政策。其实现在这个情形来讲,我认为可能还是中央内部权力斗争的问题。〞

李东生的官场履历十分奇特,他前半生握〝笔杆子〞,后半生握〝枪杆子〞。据海外 透露,李东生从《央视》到中宣部、又到公安部,成为正部级高官,全是前中央政法委书记周永康一手安排,他是周在〝公安系统 代理 人〞。而〝周永康被调查〞的消息已经传得沸沸扬扬。



中共《》12月24号援引海外评论文章 内容报导说,〝李东生出人意料的轰然倒台,过程符合本届领导人接棒以来低调部署、快速出手的风格。至此,这一场从去年12月初即开演,步步引向深入、环环相扣的‘打大老虎’大戏,已行进到关键时刻 。外界看到的是这一代领导人的勇气,而此举的可能收益与风险,也将直接牵动时局稳定。〞


现居中国 文化学者吴祚来,12月21号在推特上披露,〝《中新社》已就周永康问题采访国内著名学者〞。24号,吴祚来又引述一位知名法学教授的话说,周家已开始聘请律师了。

采访编辑/秦雪 后制/舒灿

Li Dongsheng Investigation Full of Meaning

Li Dongsheng was investigated by the Central

Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI)

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In disclosing information about the investigation,

the CCDI did not describe his position as

Vice Minister of the Ministry of Public Security.

They described his role as a head of

group “preventing and dealing with cults”.

This statement is thought to be full of meaning.

This reference to an “anti-cult

group” is the notorious 610 Office.

The 610 Office was established by

the former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

It is an extra-legal system, formed to

repress and persecute Falun Gong.

What did it mean for the CCDI to

stress this title for Li Dongsheng?

Lets here from our NTD reporter Qin Xu.

Li Dongsheng is currently Vice Minister

of the Ministry of Public Security.

He also served as Deputy Minister of Propaganda, and

Deputy Director of China Central Television (CCTV).

The CCDI website announced the following:

“Li Dongsheng, Deputy Head of the Central Group

Preventing and Dealing with Cults, Office Director,

Vice Secretary and Minister of Public Security, is

under allegation of severe violation of discipline.”

Li has accepted the investigation.

Yu Meisun, former Secretary of the General Office

of the State Council commented that this is the

conventional term for officials under dual regulations.

However, it is full of meaning.

Yu Meisun: “The 610 Office is a secret unit. It is

an internal office, and is not explicit in it’s operations.

It is an important thing to report,

post or name such a position.

This position is closely associated with Li

Dongsheng’s crime, so it is full of meaning.”

Yu Meisun analyzes that the authorities might be preparing

for dealing with the issue of the persecution of Falun Gong.

This might be their intent behind

emphasizing Li Dongsheng’s title.

Yu Meisun: “This represents an opportunity to

begin to redress the persecution of Falun Gong.

It represents fourteen years that the

CCP cannot afford to ignore any longer.

It’s possible to begin to face this now.

Xi Jinping and the new CCP Central Committee

may benefit by getting rid of the burden of such a sin.”

In contrast, human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang

does not think that the CCP has made any policy

changes in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Pu Zhiqiang: “It doesn’t mean the CCP has made any

policy changes on their stance towards Falun Gong.

Even if Zhou Yongkang, Li Dongsheng and

Wang Lequan are taken down together, I don’t

believe there’s any policy changes on Falun Gong.

Based on current conditions, I think it may

represent more of an internal power struggle.”

Li Dongsheng’s official career is one of contrast, in

that one half holds the pen, and the other holds the gun.

According to overseas Chinese media, Zhou Yongkang,

former secretary of the Central Political and Law Committee,

promoted Li Dongsheng from his position at CCTV,

to take a role in the Central Propaganda Department.

Li was then promoted to the Ministry of Public

Security, and then to ministerial level officials.

He was a representative in the public

security system for Zhou Yongkang.

There has also been continued rumours that

Zhou Yongkang is under being investigation.

Former Party leader Jiang Zemin initiated

the persecution of Falun Gong, and

led the establishment of the 610 Office

Will Li Dongsheng and Zhou Yongkang’s

downfall begin to implicate Jiang Zemin?

Yu Meisun thinks that this might be possible.

However, this depends on Xi Jinping’s ability and

courage to decide at which level is dealt with.

Yu Meisun: “It’s up to the ability of higher level’s of the CCP,

and their courage to decide which levels can be touched.

This is because each level has strong factional support.

People actually hope to implicate Jiang Zemin behind the

persecution, and begin resolving the miscarriages of justice.”

On December 24, CCP state run website

Xinhua quoted an overseas commentary.

“The process of Li Dongsheng’s downfall conforms to the

current leaders style of low-key deployment of action, but

releasing information quickly after the action has taken place.

The unfolding drama of ‘beating the tigers’ was initiated,

and progressed step by step to deeper levels of the Party.

Each step was linked to the other, and

has now reached a crucial moment now.

Observers can see the courage of

new leaders from what is unfolding.

It may bring benefits or risks, and will influence

the stability of the current political situation.”

These words imply that the target

of the ‘big tiger’ is about to emerge.

For people who are familiar with China’s political opinion,

this is a signal that almost directly names Zhou Yongkang.

On December 21, Wu Zuolai, a Chinese culture

scholar from Los Angeles commented on Twitter.

China News service has interviewed a well-known

domestic scholar, regarding the Zhou Yongkang’s issue.

On December 24, Wu Zuolai quoted

words from a renowned law professor.

Zhou’s family has employed a lawyer.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/ShuCan

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