高智晟刑满 能否出狱 全球聚焦
中国 著名维权 律师 高智晟 8月7号刑满,他的哥哥高智义已经到达关押高智晟地点——新疆沙雅县,并为弟弟准备了出狱的新衣物。目前,全球都在关注高智晟是否能顺利出狱,获得真正的自由。
中共军队救灾秀 〝浑水泡面〞成丑闻
云南鲁甸县发生6.5级地震已过去3天,死亡 人数还在不断增加,因道路中断,一些灾区村庄仍然物资匮乏,亟待救援。而中共党媒却因救灾士兵是否用〝浑水泡面〞,一连几天报导、辟谣、再辟谣,纠缠不休,引起舆论哗然。
8月4号下午6点,大陆 《中国广播网》刊发题为《云南重灾区物资缺乏 救援人员用浑水煮面》的新闻后,大陆各大媒体迅速转载,引起网民的围观,一些人认为中共军队没有具备基本的保障能力,作战能力堪忧。
昆山爆炸 难属游行遭特警驱散
江苏昆山〝中荣金属制品有限公司〞8月2号发生爆炸,造成75人死,186人受伤。8月4、5号两天,死伤者家属因官方公布的DNA检验名单出现重名、人数核对不准确等问题 ,上街游行,遭防暴警察驱散。
Will Gao Zhisheng be Released at The End of His Sentence?
It’s Now a Global Question.
On August 7, famous Chinese human rights lawyer
Gao Zhisheng will reach the end of his sentence.
His brother Gao Zhiyi has arrived at Xinjiang Shaya prison
and prepared new clothes for his brother on leaving the prison.
Currently, whether Gao Zhisheng can be smoothly released to
get real freedom has everyone’s attention.
Gao Zhisheng’s wife, Geng He posted a composite picture for
the whole family with text:
“it’s time for the lawyer Gao Zhisheng to be back home.
It’s his legal free day.
His wife and children are expecting him back.”
The Muddy Water Noodles From The Chinese Military
Disaster Relief Show Became a Scandal
It has been three days since the Ludian County 6.5 level
Earthquake. The death toll is still increasing.
Some villages are still in urgent need of supplies
because roads are cut off.
However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media
still reported on rumors about muddy water noodles.
They denied the rumor again and again which made
public opinion react strongly.
August 4 afternoon at 18:00, mainland Broadcasting
Corporation of China (BCC) published a news piece
entitled “Yunnan major disaster area is in urgent need
of supplies; rescuers cook noodles with muddy water.”
It was reproduced quickly by mainland major media,
which attracted netizen onlookers.
Some people believe the CCP military has no basic support
capability and its operational capability is a big concern.
So the CCP propaganda newspaper, Global Times denied
the rumor by saying that this news is fake.
Then the CCP CNR website confirmed the news is true.
Then, Global Times had to apologize.
Overseas media commented that the CCP newspaper used
the muddy water noodles as a show for the tough disaster
relief from the military.
However, it also revealed that the CCP military’s
disorganization and poorly equipped rescue efforts
made the relief show become a big scandal.
Kunshan Explosion Victims’ Family March Dispersed
by Special Police.
On August 2, Kunshan Zhongrong Metal Products Ltd factory
exploded, resulting in 75 deaths and 186 injured.
On August 4 and 5, the victims’ families protested because
the official DNA testing list has incorrect names on it.
They were dispersed by the riot police.
According to the US Epoch Times news, the victims’
families questioned the DNA testing list of the deaths and
casualties published by Kunshan authorities.
Ge Guoping’s family questioned why Ge Guoping’s name
appeared in the first batch of casualties’ DNA testing list
because Ge Guoping’s family didn’t do a DNA test.
In Shangqiuyu city Wang Tianqi said that the list must have
problems because there is the repeated name, Dong Mei.
It was said that there was no allowance for the families’
demonstration of grief.
Only a few black-proof cars followed after the group.
However, the group was dispersed by riot police in front
of the city government building.
Edit/Zhou Yulin
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:中共, 党, 共军, 地震, 外媒, 大纪元, 律师, 政府, 新唐人, 海外媒体, 环球时报, 美国, 自由, 警察, 高智晟