香港占中行动还在持续发酵,越来越多的演艺圈艺人站出来声援,周润发、刘德华、张家辉等香港影帝 ,纷纷出声,抗议港府的暴力手段,就连很少公开讲话的影帝梁朝伟也力挺港人和平表达诉求,指责政府使用过份武力。目前,香港特首梁振英成了香港各界集中批评的对像。请看报导。
刘德华此前在自己的官网〝华仔天地 〞留言:〝香港人,都爱香港,要关心自己、顾及大众。不要催泪瓦斯,不要武力,不要谩骂。〞他还表示,学生们、示威者们,要担心自己的安全
大陆诗人 和文化评论家叶匡政:〝在民主意识比较强的国家,艺人本身是公共人物,他们的很多言行也是代表了一个国家、民族或者是权利意识的高低。〞
〝和平占领中环〞启动后,多位香港艺人都上传了自己的学生照,表态支持学生。 港星杜汶泽、女星甄妮、资深演员黄秋生歌手何韵诗、歌手叶蕴仪、〝Beyond〞乐队主音吉他手黄贯中,还有歌手黄耀明、港星郑秀文(Sammi)、梁咏琪等人,也以不同形式发声,表示对占中的支持,或者对港府的批评。
台湾演艺界中的,创作歌手张悬、演员陈妍希、导演九把刀、新生 代艺人陈艾琳等,也隔海声援。
而香港《壹传媒》主席黎智英,连日参与 和平占中运动,他因被催泪弹烟雾呛到,用水冲洗的照片,更是登上美国《时代杂志》的封面。
北京艺术 家、独立制片人杨伟东:〝真正的普选涉及到每一个香港人的利益,切身利益,我觉得是他们发声的一个根本原因。〞
采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/黎安安
Movie Kings Condemn Government Violence
As the Occupy Central continues, the entertainment circle
also voices its support.
Hong Kong movie kings including Chow Yun-fat, Andy
Lau and Nick Cheung condemned the Hong Kong government's
Even movie king Tony Leung, who seldom speaks publicly,
came out to support Hong Kong people's peaceful appeal by
condemning the government's excesses.
Chief executive Leung Chun-ying has become the focus
of criticism.
Occupy Central has received global attention and continued to
make an impact everywhere, including on Hong Kong
showbiz artists.
Oct. 1, Chow Yun-fat criticized the Hong Kong government
in a phone interview with Apple Daily.
He said: “The people and students are so brave.
It is really impressive. The police were wrong from the first day.
How could they use tear gas?”
As for Leung Chun-ying's support for the police and rejecting
dialogue with the students, Chow said: “The continuing use
of violence against the students will only further disgust
the Hong Kong people.”
Andy Lau posted on his official website Andy World Club:
'Hongkongers, love Hong Kong, care for yourself, care for others.
No tear gas, no arms, no verbal abuse.'
He also urged the students and the protesters to watch out
for their own safety.
Hong Kong Film Award best actor Nick Cheung showed up
on the streets on Sept. 30, wearing black to support the students.
In the event, Nick Cheung called on the government to stop
any more violence and listen to public opinion.
He hoped to see the students return home safely.
On Oct. 2, Tony Leung, who rarely speaks in public,
told Apple Daily: “I support the peaceful demand.
I oppose the excesses of the government.
I hope the government will demonstrate its sincerity
and conduct a dialogue with the people as soon as possible.”
Hong Kong writer Zhang Chengjue: “They obviously support
universal values democracy, freedom, the rule of law
and human rights.
That's why they would stand up against Beijing's
heavy repression against the people's request.”
Zhang Chengjue believes that the artists support the students
regardless of the potential damage to their personal interests
shows people are different from animals.
Other than the material, spiritual needs are also important.
Mainland poet and cultural critic Ye Kuangzheng: “In a country
with strong sense of democracy, the artists, as public figures, their
behavior represents the level of a country or right consciousness.”
Since the Occupy Central started, many Hong Kong artists
showed their support by uploading their school time photos.
Hong Kong artists Chapman To, actress Jenny Tseng, veteran
actor Anthony Wong, singers Denise Hoand Gloria Yip, Beyond
Band lead guitarist Paul Wong, singer Anthony Wong, Hong
Kong star Sammi Cheng (Sammi) and Gigi Leung also voiced
their support to Occupy Central or opposition to the Government.
From Taiwan’s entertainment world, the singer Deserts Chang,
actress Michelle Chen, director Giddens Ko, the new generation
artist Chen Irene also showed their support across the sea.
Hong Kong's Next Media President Jimmy Lai participated
in the Occupy Central for several days.
The picture of him being choked by tear gas smoke and flushed
by water was published on the cover of Time magazine.
In an interview with CNN, Jimmy Lai said Hong Kong people
don't want to be enslaved and are fighting for the freedom
and democracy that they are entitled to.
Beijing artist, independent filmmaker Yang Weidong:
“I believe genuine universal suffrage concerns each individual's
interest in Hong Kong and that is why they voice their support.”
Currently, Leung Chun-ying is one of the main targets
of the protest.
He has been accused of authorizing riot police to use tear gas
against demonstrators and been asked to step down.
Currently, Leung Chun-ying's civil support is very low.
Hong Kong's Open Magazine editor-in-chief Jin Zhong said,
“The main reason why Hong Kong people oppose
Leung Chun-ying is that he was not elected by the people.
He has been considered a puppet of the Communist Party
because he was very close to the party; so is his policy.”
Interview/YiRu Edit/ShongFongPost-Production/LiAnAn
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:《开放》, 《开放》杂志, 人权, 党, 共产党, 占中, 台湾, 和平占中, 政局, 政府, 新唐人, 普世价值, 梁振英, 民主, 民主自由, 民主选举, 法制, 美国, 自由, 自由撰稿, 苹果日报, 行政长官, 警察, 香港, 香港占中, 香港特首, 香港行政长官