

如何才能让中国 的明天更好,很多人都在思考这个问题 。在目前社会状况下,听从良知,坚守信念,等待曙光,是他们的选择 。来看今天的退精选。



可是如果没有共产党 ,我们现在的生活会更好啊!




我自愿退出少先队 ,看着共产党歪曲中华文化和愚弄中华儿女,社会失去良知,我感到非常失望。


Dec. 22, Monday

Quitting the Chinese Communist Party Update.

How to ensure a better tomorrow for China is

what concerns many Chinese.

In the current social situation, many of them choose

to obey their consciences and keep the faith until dawn.

Let’s look at their announcements.

Guan Shaowei wrote:

“The older generations have been brainwashed

by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

They would say, they did not have enough to eat,

but now they get enough to eat with the CCP ruling.

But without the CCP, our lives will be much better now!

There is not even health insurance, but they do not know

how sad it could be.

With one serious illness, one’s life savings will be all gone.

A little money out of a corrupt official may have resolved

the medical care for the country.

The collapse of the CCP is bound to happen.”

Da Fei stated:

“I voluntarily quit the Young Pioneers.

I have been very disappointed seeing how the Communist

Party has distorted Chinese culture, fooled the Chinese

people, leading to the loss of social conscience.

However small is an individual’s power, I firmly believe

that insistence on the faith will greet the dawn.”

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