中国 〝民生观察工作室〞网站 ,日前发布《2014年 度中国〝被精神病〞年终报告》。报告显示,大陆正常的公民〝被精神病〞,已经成为当局惯用的打压手段。随着劳教制度的废止,〝被精神病〞有进一步强化的迹象。
报告总结,中共《精神卫生法》实施一年多来,各地〝被精神病〞状况依然严重。不仅如此,随着劳教制度的废止,为了加强对社会的管控,中共当局除了广泛采取黑监狱、法教班等,非法剥夺 公民人身自由权的方式外,也有加强通过〝被精神病〞来控制社会的迹象。
去年,除了不少曾经〝被精神病〞的上访维权 人士、异议人士,再次被关入了精神病院外,还出现了一些新的〝被精神病〞的案例,而且在去年3月人大、政协〝两会〞前,和四中全会前,这种〝被精神病〞现象明显增多。
〝被精神病〞者被送医院后,遭到捆绑、殴打、戴脚镣手铐、强迫吃药、打针、灌食、禁闭、不给放风、不给会见家人等等。们要想出院,得经过维稳机构同意,同时还必须保证不再上访 ,不对外揭露在精神病院受到的虐待等等。
辽宁访民张海彦就因为举报 当地政府庇护下的黑社会,多次被当地警方送进黑监狱、精神病院关押迫害。
中共公安自办的安康医院就是承担强制医疗任务的精神病医院。据〝法轮大法明慧网〞报导,目前中国各地仍有二、三十家安康医院,一直凶残地对法轮功 学员实施精神和肉体虐杀。
〝民生观察〞负责人刘飞跃:〝中国仍然是一个‘权比法大’这么一个体制,特别是它目前讲究维稳,稳定压倒一切 的情况下,即然‘稳定压倒一切’,它就也可以压倒法制,这样被精神病现象继续发生就不奇怪了。〞
除少数因政治、家庭原因外,多数因维权 被送入精神病院,只要和中共利益相牴触,即使是中共官员也逃脱不了被〝被精神病〞的下场。
Report: Forced Psychiatric Abuse Becomes Normal in China
The Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch (CRLW) recently
released its 2014 report on involuntary psychiatric treatment.
It shows that psychiatric abuse of healthy citizens has become
a conventional way for Chinese authorities to suppress people.
With the abolition of the labor education system,
psychiatric abuse has increased.
The report summarizes first-hand interviews and studies on
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its complaint materials,
and its public media reports.
It concludes that psychiatric abuse is very serious in China
even after its bringing in the Mental Health Act in late 2012.
With the abolition of the labor education system, the CCP is
tightening its control on society through its black jails,
"law education" classes, deprivation of personal liberties,
and now the mental health system.
Last year, some petitioners and dissidents who had suffered
forced psychiatric abuse were sent to mental hospitals again
for speaking out; new cases of abuse were also recorded.
Psychiatric abuse increased significantly leading up to
the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese
People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
and its Fourth Plenary Session.
Analysis shows that cases of psychiatric abuse are linked
mainly with the agencies that "maintain stability", including
the police, government officials and offices, village cadres,
and the Beijing liaison office members, who directly kidnap
victims to mental hospitals, without getting an agreement
or signatures from either the individuals or their families.
The victim of psychiatric abuse is tied up, beaten, shackled
in handcuffs, force-fed medication and injected, and confined,
without freedom to go outside or meet with family, etc.
Victims need the stability agencies approval to be released
and must also promise not to petition or expose the torture.
Liaoning petitioner Zhang Haiyan was taken to black jails and
mental hospitals several times by local police, for reporting
on gangs who were being protected by the local government.
Zhang Haiyan: "They used fake ID to send me to a mental
hospital—it was so horrible, because they force-fed me
medication every day; if you don’t take it, they will tie you up
to a bed, and the guards are there to scare you—it’s an insult."
China’s Mental Health Act says patients cannot be forced into
mental care unless they are severely ill or considered harmful.
Yet, there are still healthy citizens being forcibly detained.
The CRLW report gives Duling’s family from Chengdu’s
Jinjiang District as an example—three family members were
sent to a mental hospital for petitioning several times,
with the most recent term lasting for 19 months.
And elementary school teacher, Li Qidong, from Sujiatun
District in Liaoning was sent to a mental hospital for
a second time in December 2013; there’s no information
on her case since.
Southeastern University Law professor, Zhang Zanning, says
public security departments have no right to enter mental
health care, as they are not health administrative divisions.
Zhang Zanning: "Psychiatric abuse has been going on for
some time and the abuse is intentional."
"My concern is that the mental hospitals that were especially
set up by the police haven’t been banned or revoked;
they are a hidden danger in forced psychiatric abuse."
Ankang hospitals—high-security psychiatric hospitals run by
the Chinese Ministry of Public Security—undertake brutal,
compulsory medical treatments on their patients.
According to a report on the Falun Dafa Minghui website,
there are still 20 – 30 Ankang hospitals, which brutally torture
and abuse Falun Gong practitioners mentally and physically.
Liu Feiyue, Director, CRLW: "China still runs a system
where power is above the law; they insist on 'stability '
above everything—and since stability is above all, including
the law, the continuous psychiatric abuse is not surprising."
CRLW has been registering forced psychiatric abuse cases
in China since 2010.
Until now, they have recorded around 1,000 cases of
psychiatric abuse on citizens of all levels of society, including
a CCP secretary, judges, university teachers, migrant workers,
ordinary employees, and so on.
Apart from a minority of the cases which were for political
and family reasons, most cases occurred for petitioning.
As long as there is a conflicting interest with the CCP, even
officials cannot escape from being sent to a mental hospital.
Interview & Edit/Li Yun
本文标签:两会, 中共, 公安部, 刘飞, 劳教制度, 启东, 四中全会, 政府, 政治, 新唐人, 明慧网, 民生观察工作室, 法制, 法轮功, 法轮大法, 维稳, 自由, 被精神病, 访民, 黑监狱