在上集的节目中,一位在辽宁沈阳监狱系统 工作多年的狱警,为我们揭秘了沈阳监狱中,各种光怪陆离的乱象。今天让我们一起来听听,一位从沈阳监狱城中走出来的被关押者,讲述更多监狱城内鲜为人知的秘辛。
如果将第三等级的普通犯人比作监狱中的〝老百姓〞,那么最底层的法轮功 学员则好比〝奴隶〞,不但可以被其他犯人任意欺辱,就连普通犯人拥有的基本权利都无法享有。
曾被沈阳第二监狱关押的于先生(化名):〝你(法轮功学员)不参加劳动,你是没有自由的,比如说呢不许家属去看望你;比如说普通犯人享有的条件,可以去洗澡了,但你不可以去。因为你不承认你犯罪了,所以也不能把你当成犯人一样去对待,也就是说,也不能享受犯人一样的待遇。比如说里头吃不饱了,然后家里存钱了,但是你不可以存钱,就剥夺 了你的一切权利。〞
于先生说,即使是普通犯人,在监狱中也有一定的活动空间,比如每天出去〝放放风〞,晒晒太阳等,但是法轮功学员是绝对不许踏出监室半步的。不仅如此,监狱还派专人(又称:包夹)24小时监视法轮功学员,禁止他们交流 谈话,因此法轮功学员又被称为〝囚中囚〞。
然而,上述对待法轮功学员的做法,还只是〝小菜一碟〞,真正可怕的是殴打、酷刑、虐待造成的〝非正常死亡 〞。
《追查迫害法轮功国际组织》在2月9号发表声明指出,大陆媒体曝光的沈阳第二监狱在2012年到2014年 间,至少发生了4起服刑人员死亡事件,只不过是冰山一角,根本没有包括被迫害致死的法轮功学员。
《追查迫害法轮功 国际组织》发言人汪志远:〝沈阳第二监狱,是沈阳市监狱城的一部分,是从大北监狱搬迁过来的,在搬迁之前,《追查国际》已经核实的被迫害致死的法轮功学员,至少有6人,搬迁之后迫害致死的至少有23人,由于中共的信息封锁,可能还有更多的迫害致死案例没有得到曝光,事实上,迫害致死的人数会有更多。〞
采访编辑/张天宇 后制/李智远
Exclusive: Prisoner Reveals Dark Secrets
Behind Shenyang Prison (Part 2)
In the last episode, a prison guard who had been working
for many years at the Liaoning Shengyang prison system
revealed to us the chaos and bizarre happenings
in Shenyang prisons.
Another detainee who came out from Shenyang Prison City
told us the many little known secrets in the “city”.
After the chaos of Liaoning Shenyang Second Prison was
exposed by media in mainland China, NTD (New Tang Dynastie) TV
reporters sought to uncover more of the concealed truths.
After many investigations and inquiries, they located a person
who was once imprisoned in Shenyang Second Prison.
He gave a detailed account of the prison.
This person who did not wish to be named told the reporter
that Shenyang Second Prison and its surrounding
Shenyang Prison city is like a condensed, miniature society.
Its prisoners are classified into 4 classes: at the top of the
“pyramid” are the prison wardens and gang leaders,
following which are the minions and thugs.
Ordinary inmates are ranked third, and at the bottom of the
prison hierarchy are the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.
If the ordinary inmates are described as “commoners” of the
prison, then the Falun Gong practitioners at the bottom are
akin to “slaves”.
They can be bullied at will by other prisoners and they do
not even have the basic rights of an ordinary prison inmate.
Because of their refusal to plead guilty to their “crimes”,
their refusal to participate in “reformatory” labour, and
their refusal to “convert” and to abandon their faith, Falun
Gong practitioners suffer the harshest persecution in prison.
Mr Yu, former prisoner at the Shenyang Second Prison:
If you (Falun Gong practitioners) do not participate in forced
labour, you have no freedom.
Your relatives are not allowed to visit you.
Other prisoners may shower, but you can’t.
Because you refuse to admit the crimes, you are not
treated like a prisoner.
Instead, you are denied things that even
ordinary prisoners have.
You will not have enough to eat, you are not allowed to
keep money and all your rights and privileges are denied.
Mr Yu said, even ordinary prisoners have room for activities.
They can step out for some sun and air every day, but
Falun Gong prisoners are not allowed to take a single step
out of their cell.
The prison even sends people (also known as “double teams”)
to conduct 24 hours surveillance on Falun Gong practitioners
and to prevent them from talking.
Therefore, Falun Gong practitioners are also known as
“prisoners among the prisoners”.
Mr Yu: What is the difference with Falungong?
They have “double teams”, but other prisoners do not.
These double teams follow them to the toilet, to fetch food
and to fetch water.
They trace your every step, follow you wherever you go and
prevent you from talking to others.
There will be 4 “double teams”, and another 4 to supervise
these 4 to ensure that they do not get friendly with the Dafa
practitioners, such as sympathising with them or
give them help.
There are yet another 2 who watch these 8 people
in the dark.
However, what is described above is only “elementary stuff”.
What is truly terrifying are the beatings, tortures, abuses
that result in “unnatural deaths”.
Mr Yu: Prisoners are instructed to viciously beat the
Falun Gong practitioners.
Some are directly beaten to death and their relatives do not
have the faintest clue as to the cause of their death.
They are then directly cremated without
their relatives’ knowledge.
Some relatives are told that they died from incurable
illnesses, and these relatives are given very little
compensation, in the amounts of
20,000 or 30,000 Yuan (US$ 3200-4800).
And that is the end of story.
The International Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong (IOIPFG) issued a statement on Feb. 9, stating
that according to media from Mainland China, there were at
least 4 death cases of prisoners in Shenyang Second Prison.
These deaths occurred between 2012 and 2014 – which was only
the tip of the iceberg as it completely ignored the Falun Gong
practitioners who were persecuted to death.
The International Organisation to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong (IOIPFG) spokesperson Wang Zhiyuan: Shenyang
Second Prison is part of Shenyang Prison City.
It was originally moved from Dabei Prison.
Before moving, IOIPFG has already verified 6 cases of Falun
Gong practitioners, who were persecuted to death.
After moving, there were at least 23 cases of murdered
Falun Gong practitioners.
Because of the information blockade by the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), there are likely to be more death cases that
have not been exposed.
In reality, the number of deaths will be higher.
Mr Yu told reporters, the cruel things that he witnessed are
not only happening in Shenyang Second Prison.
It is occurring on a wider scale, to the extent that it is a
widespread phenomenon among prisons and detention
centres all over the country.
Some netizens posted their heartfelt words online: Beijing
has a ‘Heaven on Earth’ (name of a night club), Shenyang
has a hell on earth.
Beijing’s ‘Heaven on Earth’ has already been brought
down, when will the scums of Shenyang’s Second
Prison receive retribution!
Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Li Ziyuan
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:NSA, 中共, 新唐人, 法律, 法轮功, 真相, 自由, 迫害法轮功, 追查国际